Biotix PRO Advanced Prebiotics and Probiotics Plus Digestive Enzymes Supplements for Men and Women Rebalance Your Gut Microbiome Health 60 Count Powder Capsules Supplement
Promethean Wellness Llc Part#: BIOTIXPRO - Biotix PRO Advanced Prebiotics and Probiotics Plus Digestive Enzymes Supplements for Men and Women Rebalance Your Gut Microbiome Health 60 Count Powder Capsules Supplement
Did you know that the majority of probiotics on the market today are completely ineffective by the time you take them?
Here are the facts about most probiotics today:
- Almost all of the probiotics die off shortly after being bottled, meaning no benefits to you. Of the ones that DO survive manufacturing, very few survive your stomach acid...again, with no benefits to you.
And the very very small handful that survive manufacturing and make it through your digestive system?
Almost all of those contain prebiotics that help feed the bacteria in your digestive tract...but it feeds the bad bacteria just as much as the good, which means you never get rid of the problem!
Why is it next to impossible to get a probiotic that actually works? Because it is very hard and expensive for companies to make!
But that did not stop us!
Introducing Biotix Pro!
We consider it the most effective digestive health supplement available on the market today.
Finally, a probiotic that actually does what you need it to:
1-fuels your body with beneficial probiotics, 2-helps them grow to the proper number, while simultaneously starving the bad bacteria, and 3-brings your digestive health back to balance.
Biotix Pro not only solves the problems of typical probiotics, it is also a complete stand alone digestive health solution!
It is packed with ideal amounts of digestive enzymes, breaking your food down more effectively...
And the prebiotics we use in Biotix Pro are a special type called XOS that feeds the good, while starving the bad.
The secret to optimal digestive health is NOT just shoving more probiotics into your system...
It is REBALANCING the gut, and that is exactly what Biotix Pro does for you!
So, don't go another day being frustrated from lacking digestive health results.
Pick up Your Bottle of Biotix Pro Now!
- WHAT'S A PREBIOTIC - Prebiotics are fibers that are food for probiotics, and our prebiotics are the best because they help feed beneficial probiotics in your gut while not growing undesired bacteria. You may have heard of inulin, GOS or FOS fructooligosaccharides prebiotics, but our PreticX XOS xylooligosaccharide prebiotics are superior in that it is clinically shown to increase Lactobacillus by 365 times, Bifidobacterium by 290 times, and metabolism boosting Akkermansia microbes by 250 times.
- EVERYTHING YOU'VE HEARD ABOUT PROBIOTICS IS WRONG - Say what. That's right, research has shown it doesn't matter if you have 10 50 or 100 billion CFUs of probiotics in your supplement, almost all of them will either die in your stomach acid or pass straight through your body. The best way to REBALANCE YOUR GUT MICROBIOME is through seeding it with a wide variety of probiotic strains and feeding those probiotics with the best prebiotics, such as our XOS by PreticX.
- SEED YOUR GUT WITH ACID-RESISTANT SPORE FORMING PROBIOTICS - When rebalancing your gut microbiome with prebiotics and probiotics with digestive enzymes, it's important to include probiotics that can survive the stomach environment and make it to the intestines. This is where our DE111 Bacilis Subtilis, one of the most well-researched probiotics in the world, comes in. DE111 is clinically proven to support healthy digestion, a healthy immune system, proper fat metabolism, and urinary tract health.
- ENHANCE DIGESTION AND DETOX WITH DIGESTIVE ENZYMES - The unsung hero of this synbiotic combo is the digestive enzymes. Enzymes play an important role in cleaning out the undesirable material from the stomach, small and large intestines. This includes microbes like Candida Yeast. Our digestive enzyme complex is one of the most complete offered anywhere, combining 13 different enzymes with 10 probiotic strains. A complete digestive enzyme complex like DigeSEB Super PB is necessary for gut balance.
- Manufacturer: Promethean Wellness Llc
- Part Number: BIOTIXPRO
- Label: Promethean Wellness LLC