UPG D1724 Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger (6V/12V Switchable Single-Stage With Alligator Clips)
Old price : $9.75
Upg Part#: D1724 806593417245 - UPG D1724 Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger (6V/12V Switchable Single-Stage With Alligator Clips)
For use with sealed lead acid batteries; 6v/12v switchable singe-stage charger ; alligator clips; 500 mah. Battery Size :Proprietary Battery SizeFeatures:
- For use with sealed lead acid batteries
- 6V/12V switchable single stage charger
- Alligator clips
- 6V/12V Switchable Single-Stage with Alligator Clips
- UPG D1724 Sealed Lead Acid Battery Charger
Catalog Numbers:
- D1724 P16582
- ASC637496APE01
- MSS1115031T02
- 806593417245
- 0806593417245
- Manufacturer: Upg
- Part Number: D1724
- Model: D1724
- Label: UPG
- Color: BLACK