Stens 486-385 Tank Mount Gasket, Yellow
Old price : $6.99
Stens Part#: 486-385 023899088584 - Stens 486-385 Tank Mount Gasket, Yellow
Briggs and Stratton: 272489, 4158, 692241 is not compatible with greater than 10% ethanol fuel. The manufacturer of this product is Sten. This is manufactured in USA. Easy to maintain.Features:
- Not Compatible With Greater Than 10% Ethanol Fuel
- Easy To Maintain
- Manufactured In Usa
- Brand: Stens
Catalog Numbers:
- 486-385
- 023899088584
- 0023899088584
- Manufacturer: Stens
- Part Number: 486-385
- Model: 486-385
- Color: Yellow