SunFounder IIC I2C TWI Serial 2004 20x4 LCD Module Shield for Arduino R3 Mega2560Introduction This is a high-quality I2C LCD 2004 display. It's in elegant blue with white contents displayed. It can display 4 rows with 20 characters for each. With IIC/I2C interface, it only takes two I/O port thus saving more for other usages. You can adjust the contrast by the potentiometer at i...$13.99$13.99
SainSmart 8-Channel 5V Solid State Relay Module Board for Arduino Uno Duemilanove MEGA2560 MEGA1280 ARM DSP PICSpecification:SSR Output (each channel):- Load voltage range: 75 to 264V AC (50/60Hz).- Load current: 0.1 to 2 AMP.Input control signal voltage:- 0V - 0.5V Low stage (SSR is Off).- 0.5V - 2.5V (unknown state).- 2.5V - 20V High state (SSR is On)$19.99$19.99
Arducam Mini Module Camera Shield with OV2640 2 Megapixels Lens for Arduino UNO Mega2560 BoardArducam-2MP-Plus is optimized version of Arducam shield Rev.C, and is a high definition 2MP SPI camera, which reduce the complexity of the camera control interface. It integrates 2MP CMOS image sensor OV2640, and provides miniature size, as well as the easy to use hardware interface and open source...$25.99$25.99
SunFounder Mega 2560 R3 ATmega2560-16AU Board Compatible with ArduinoSpecification: Input voltage - 7-12V 54 Digital I/O Pins (14 PWM outputs) 16 Analog Inputs 256k Flash Memory 16Mhz Clock Speed Package include: 1 x SunFounder MEGA 2560 R3 (Arduino-compatible) For more information, please refer to http://wiki.sunfounder.cc/index.php?title=Install_Arduino_Software$13.99$13.99
SainSmart 1602 LCD Shield Module Display V3 for Arduino UNO R3 MEGA2560 Nano DUEThis is a 16x2 LCD Keypad module for Arduino Diecimila Duemilanove, UNO, MEGA1280, MEGA2560 board. This shield for Arduino includes a 16x2 HD44780 White on Blue LCD module and a 5 push button keypad for menu selection and user interface programming. Fully assembled. On-line Arduino tutorial and exam...$22.38$22.38
Arduino Compatible Mega 2560 Atmega2560 Mega2560 R3 Board + USB CableMicrocontroller board based on the ATmega2560.$16.99$19.76
Arducam Mini Module Camera Shield 5MP Plus OV5642 Camera Module for Arduino UNO Mega2560 BoardArducam-Mini-5MP-Plus(OV5642) is performance improved version compared to its predecessor Arducam-M-5MP. Arducam mini not only offers the capability to add a camera interface which doesn't have in some low cost microcontrollers, but also provides the capability to add multiple cameras to a single mi...$39.99$39.99
ELEGOO Electronics Component Pack with resistors, LEDs, Switch, Potentiometer for Arduino UNO, MEGA2560, Raspberry PiEstablished in 2011, ELEGOO is a thriving technology company dedicated to open-source hardware research & development, production and marketing. Our own Quality Management Team will secure the premium quality of our products and we would like to receive your valuable suggestions for our products and...$6.86$10.99
kuman 3.5 inch TFT Touch Screen with SD Card Socket w/Tutorials in CD Compatible for Arduino Mega2560 Board SC3A-1Features: This TFT LCD Screen Module with a LCD break , SD card and Flash design. So it's a powerful extension module for your project. Dimension: 3.5 inch Controller: ILI9486 driver(default in random) Resolution: 480x320 Data bits: 8 - 16 Interface pin number: 37 pin Distance: 1 mm Note: Th...$17.80$17.80
ARDUINO MEGA 2560 REV3 [A000067]Microcontroller Microchip ATmega2560Operating Voltage 5VUSB 1 - Type BDigital I/O Pins 54PWM Pins 15Analog Input Pins 16DC Current per I/O Pin 20 mADC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mAFlash Memory 256 KBSRAM 8 KBEEPROM 4 KBClock Speed 16 MHz$37.95$38.50
HiLetgo 51 AVR ATMEGA8 Programmer USBasp USB ISP 10 Pin USB Programmer 3.3V/5V with CableSupport Chip List: 51 Series: AT89S51、AT89S52、、AT89S53、AT89S8252 AVR Series: ATTiny12(L)、ATTiny13(V)、ATTiny15(L)、ATTiny24(V)、ATTiny25(V)、ATTiny26(L)、 ATTiny2313(V)、ATTiny44(V)、ATTiny45(V)、ATTiny84(V)、ATTiny85(V)、AT90S2313(L)、 AT90S2323(L)、AT90S2343(L)、AT90S1200(L)、AT90S8515(L)...$5.98$5.98
ELEGOO Upgraded 37 in 1 Sensor Modules Kit with Tutorial Compatible with Arduino IDE UNO R3 MEGA2560 NanoELEGOO Upgraded 37 sensor modules kit is the most useful and highest cost performance sensor kit in market. It is 100% suitable for beginners. And it is also 100% compatible with Raspberry PI and STM32. But if you want to use it with Raspberry PI and STM32, you may find the tutorial by yourself. We...$29.99$29.99